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bri'sė nf [Med Veter] 1 anthrax 2 cellulitis, festering of tissue around a wound, gangrene 3 cornea

II§ nm (pl ~qe) 1 razor blade; razor 2 pocketknife; penknife; pruning knife
III§ adj razor-sharp; biting cold
IV§ adv extraordinarily, extremely
ėsh· brisk to have nothing left, be flat broke
i ftohtė brisk ice cold
i ftohtė brisk ice cold
Mė rrove, tė rrova, brisku (qe) i berberit "You shaved me, I shaved you, the razor (remained) the barber's" We came out even. No one won.
i mprehtė brisk razor sharp
i mprehtė brisk razor sharp
brisk rroje/rrues razor (for shaving)
s'ka· shkuar brisk nė faqe to be still immature: be still wet behind the ears

bri'skė adj having long, thin and straight horns