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bu'z|as adv = buzëva'rur

buz|e'l adj 1 [Pej] = buza'ç 2 having a mark on the muzzle (said of domestic animals)

III§ nf 1 lip 2 muzzle (area of an animal's face) 3 edge, rim, brink; boundary line, boundary 4 shore 5 [Fig] beginning 6 cliff; rocky chasm
IV§ prep (abl) 1 bordering/at the edge of 2 on the threshold of, at the beginning of
lua·n buzët to talk; move one's lips without being heard distinctly: mumble
ësh· buzë brisku to be razor-thin
Fshiji buzët për murrizi [Iron] to get all ready for nothing
buzë lepuri [Med] harelip
me buzë të fryra bloated in appearance
me buzë të ciflosur embittered, depressed, unhappy, downcast
me buzë të plasur dispirited, down in the mouth
me buzë të varura//varur frowning
buzë më buzë 1 up to the brim, chock-full 2 on the lips, mouth to mouth
buzë më gaz smiling, amiable