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adj 1 destructive, fatal 2 (Tech) penetrating by striking action 3 [Fig] striking, remarkable
II§ nm 1 repairman; builder 2 (Tech) part of a machine that delivers hammering blows: striker, hammer, ram

god|i't|je nf ger 1 < godi't·, gode't·, godi'et 2 strike, hit, knock, blow; thrust 3 percussive sound; percussion 4 construction, building
goditje (nga) këndi [Sport] corner kick (in soccer)
goditje me pushkë gun shooting, gunshot
goditje nga dielli [Med] sunstroke (heliosis)

god|i't|ur adj (i) 1 marked by a blow 2 [Fig] appropriate, proper; well-chosen, apt 3 [Fig] astonished: struck 4 built, constructed 5 fixed, repaired 6 fixed up, made pretty, made up; flavored