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* goj|dhānė (Reg Gheg) = gojėdhė'nė

go'jė nf 1 mouth 2 mouthful; bite 3 [Fig Colloq] daily food; eating and drinking 4 talking, speech; local speech variety, dialect 5 receptacle, groove 6 loop; buttonhole 7 space between warp courses in a loom: shed 8 [Colloq] member of one's household: mouth to feed 9 muzzle (of a gun)
gojė ariu [Bot] = lulego'jė
gojė asllani [Bot] = gojaslla'n
ėsh· gojė e bark "is mouth and stomach" to be a big eater, think only about eating
i gojės dhe i shpatės "of the mouth and of the sword" good both in speaking and in fighting
gojėt e liga scandalmongers
s'ka· gojė tė flesubj/tho·tėsubj [Pej] to have no right to say anything about other people
s'ka· gojė tė kėrko·nsubj [Pej] to have no right to ask for anything
<>a lag gojėn "wet <>'s mouth" to give <> just a small amount/taste
[ ] lė'· me gojė hapur "leave [ ] with mouth open" to surprise/amaze [ ]
<> mbėrthe·het3sg goja "<>'s mouth/tongue is stuck tight" <> is unable to speak

gojė|bilbi'l adj (Poet) speaking beautifully: golden-tongued; speaking sweetly: honey-tongued