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grep· vt (Crude) 1 to steal small objects: pinch 2 to swindle: rip off

grep nm 1 fishhook 2 crochet hook; barb 3 storage hook 4 [Colloq] (Naut) ship's anchor 5 manure fork 6 [Reg Arb] table fork 7 hairpin 8 latch 9 young sprout newly emerged from the soil 10 (Zool Reg) = zhuzha'k 11 [Fig Pej Crude] petty thief: two-bit crook; swindler 12 [Fig Pej Crude] person you can't get rid of: clinging pest, leech 13 [Fig Pej Crude] skinflint
ėsh· grep [Reg Arb Pej] to be a glutton
nuk <> kap grepi "<>'s hook does not catch" it is more than <> can do, is beyond <>'s capability
ėsh· ndėr/nė grepa to be very uneasy; be on pins and needles
grep i sahatit clock/watch hand

grepē nm (Reg) [Invert] scorpion = akre'p