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* gje|ku' adv = ēoku'

gjel nm 1 (Ornit) rooster, cock 2 [Pej] pompous or pretentious person: cock-of-the-walk; person looking for an argument: feisty person 3 object or device with a rooster-like shape 4 [Old] flintlock firing mechanism 5 popcorn 6 piece of a divided nut kernel; piece of diced fruit 7 (Ichth) piper Trigla lyra 8 old gold coin
gjel dallėndyshe [Ichth] streaked gurnard Trigloporus lastoviza
gjel deti [Ornit] "sea rooster" turkey cock, tom turkey; turkey (Meleagris gallopava domesticus)
gjel dushku [Ornit] pheasant (Phasianus colchicus)
gjel i egėr [Ornit] "wild rooster" capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus)
gjel gri [Ichth] gray gurnard Eutrigla gurnardus
gjel kandil [Ichth] = gjel-kandi'l
gjel i kuq [Ichth] red gurnard Aspitrigla cuculus
gjel me gropė [Ichth] large-scaled gurnard Lepidotrigla cavillone
gjeli i oxhakut weather vane
gjel pulastreni young cock

gjel|a'c nm [Ornit] 1 water rail (Rallus aquaticus) 2 [Reg] = qukapi'k
gjelaci symadh [Ornit] stone curlew Burhinus oedicnemus
gjelaci i vogėl [Ornit] little stint Calidris minuta Leisl.