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mbjell· vt 1 to sow; plant 2 [Fig] to disseminate, propagate 3 [Fig Joke] to strew, scatter [ ] around; lose [ ] here and there
mbjell· bostan e <> de3pl kastraveca [Iron] "sow melons and have cucumbers come up for " things turn out differently/worse than what one expects
mbjell· ferra nėpėr kėmbė to create difficulties/complications along the path
mbjell· nė dushk to do careless/superficial work
mbjell· thekėr e <> de3sg grurė "sow rye and have wheat come up for " to be prospering, be doing well

mbje'll|a np (tė) 1 sown/planted fields 2 grain crops

III§ part < mbjell·
IV§ adj (i) sown, planted