mbulo'mė nf = mbu'lėsė
mbul|o'·n vt 1 to cover 2 to cover [ ] up; hide 3 to bury 4 (on a loom) to wrap [cloth] around a roller • Mbulo balta baltėn. "Dirt covers dirt." (said when a bad person dies) Good riddance to bad rubbish. • e mbulo·n dobiēin "cover up the bastard" to conceal one's guilt • i mbulo·n kėmbėt "cover one's legs" to hide one's true intentions: be sneaky • [ ] mbulo·n me plaf to hide [something wrong], sweep [ ] under the rug • e mbulo·n nė hi to keep it (a feeling/secret) pent up inside
mbul|u'a|r III§ adj (i) 1 covered; clothed, wrapped 2 roofed over 3 covered/clouded over: overcast 4 latent 5 [Fig] masked, hidden IV§ adv under a protective/concealing covering; veiled