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mbu'rr|je nf ger 1 < mbu'rr·, mbu'rr·et 2 feeling of pride 3 [Pej] vainglory

* mburru's|ėt adj (i) oppressive

mbush· vt 1 to fill 2 to fill [ ] in/up 3 to load [a gun] 4 to complete [a period of time] 5 to backfill [a plant] to protect the roots 6 [Fig Colloq] to fulfill, comply with [ ], satisfy
ia mbush· [Colloq] to run away, skedaddle
e mbush· barkun [Impol] to stuff one's belly
<>i mbush· faqet to make <> plump-cheeked (and healthy)
ua mbush· (kėmbėve) [Colloq] to run away, skedaddle
<>a mbush· kokėn me ashkla to bother <> with trivial details
<>a mbush· kokėn to convince/persuade <>
e mbush· kokėn to get it all into one's head, learn it all
e mbush· kuletėn to fill one's pockets with gold, make a lot of money
e mbush· kupėn to do too many bad things, exceed the limits: go too far
[ ] mbush· majė me majė to fill [ ] to the very top/brim