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Meru'she nf Merushe (female name)

merxha'n nm 1 = kora'l 2 ox with hair of a mixed brownish color 3 red wattle on fowl

III§ vt 1 to take 2 to take [ ] away from <> 3 [Colloq] to take [ ] away; arrest [ ]; capture 4 to take up [ ]; start 5 to take on [ ]: acquire; hire, engage 6 [Colloq] to take in [ ]: include, contain 7 to get, receive 8 to gain/achieve; reach to [ ] 9 to be struck by [ ] 10 to contract/catch [a disease]; catch [something thrown] 11 to shorten, cut off [ ] 12 to take to [ ], head toward [ ]
IV§ vi to to take to <>, head for <>
e merr· {verbal noun} to commence {}, begin {}
ia merr· to head (in a direction), set out
[ ] merr· {a quantity of money} to pay {} for [ ], get [ ] for {}
merr· ajėr = ajro'et
[ ] merr· ana 1 [ ] leans badly to one side 2 [ ] is deteriorating
merr· anė 1 to lean 2 to take a breather, rest up a bit 3 [Old] to take part, participate
<>a merr· anėn to come to understand <>; get the hang of <>
merr· anėn e <> to side with <>
<> merr· anėt 1 to trim the sides of <>'s hair 2 to flank/outflank <>
merr· anėt to get the sides of one's hair trimmed