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* mezhd|ni'k nm rock marking the border between fields

[3] prep (acc) 1 indicates position in time or space: at, on, in 2 indicates manner/means: by
{countable noun} mė {same noun} every single {}
{noun} mė {} at/in/to every single {}: {} by {}
mė atė anė = mata'nė

mė [1] 1st sg object pronominal clitic preceding a transitive verb, or suffixed to a transitive verb stem in the imper 1 indicates that the verb has an identifiable 1st sg referent or object: me 2 [Colloq] indicates a feeling of intimacy or affection on the part of the speaker
mė qafsh! [Colloq] "may you mourn for me!" I beg you! please! for my sake!