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[2] adv, pcl more; some more, any more
ësh·3sg më afër mendsh/mendjes it is more likely
më andej later, afterward
më cazë 1 after a little while, in a little while 2 towards dusk, in the evening
{adverb} e më {adverb} ever more {}, more and more {}
më i madh zarari, se qari "greater the loss than the gain" more to lose than to gain
më pas <> dëgjo·het3sg muzika "later on <>'s music is heard" the consequences of <>'s actions become apparent only later
më i tejmë the furthest/farthest, at the extreme edge

[4] short form = 'më
im më my mother, mom

* më|ba'rk|azi adv on the belly