mote'le nf (?) • motele me mustaqe [Ichth] shore rockling Gaidropsarus mediterraneus • motele e zezė [Ichth] black rockling Gaidropsarus megalokynodon
* mote'njė nf (Bot) goosegrass, cleavers (Galium aparine)
mo'tėr nf 1 sister 2 (Ethnog) = mo'tėrmė 3 term of address for a nun: sister • motėr gishti = mo'tėrmė • motėr e gjetur step-sister • s'ka· (as) motėr as shoqe "have neither sister nor friend" to be unlike anyone/anything else: be unique • motėr prej babe/nėne sister from the same father/mother: step-sister, half-sister • motėr qumėshti "milk sister" sister only in the sense of having shared the same wet nurse • ėsh·tėpl motėr e vėlla to be as if {} were sister and brother