* m|prap|s|o'·het vpr = zmbraps·et
* m|pre'f| = mpre'h|
m|preh· vt 1 to sharpen 2 to exacerbate; aggravate • e mpreh· (mirë) penën/lapsin [Book] to sharpen one's attack (in writing) • mpreh· armët to sharpen one's spears: prepare for war/battle • mpreh· dhëmbët "sharpen one's teeth" 1 to get ready to attack, sharpen one's claws; bare one's teeth 2 [Iron] to lick one's chops in anticipation • i mpreh· fjalët (me [ ]) to exchange sharp words (with [ ]) • mpreh· kunja kot to waste one's efforts, do a lot of work for nothing • mpreh· sytë to try to see better, look close • mpreh· shpatën "sharpen the sword" to get ready to deliver the decisive blow • mpreh· veshët "sharpen the ears" to listen keenly: sharpen one's ears