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* m|prap|s|o'·het vpr = zmbraps·et

* m|pre'f| = mpre'h|

m|preh· vt 1 to sharpen 2 to exacerbate; aggravate
e mpreh· (mirë) penën/lapsin [Book] to sharpen one's attack (in writing)
mpreh· armët to sharpen one's spears: prepare for war/battle
mpreh· dhëmbët "sharpen one's teeth" 1 to get ready to attack, sharpen one's claws; bare one's teeth 2 [Iron] to lick one's chops in anticipation
i mpreh· fjalët (me [ ]) to exchange sharp words (with [ ])
mpreh· kunja kot to waste one's efforts, do a lot of work for nothing
mpreh· sytë to try to see better, look close
mpreh· shpatën "sharpen the sword" to get ready to deliver the decisive blow
mpreh· veshët "sharpen the ears" to listen keenly: sharpen one's ears