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ore'shkë nf [Reg] (Bot) Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus)

o'rë nf 1 hour 2 time 3 timekeeping mechanism: clock, watch 4 (Folklore) helpful magical sprite that takes form as a woman, girl, child, or snake: nymph, fairy 5 [Fig] luck
orë (akademike) academic hour (about 5 [0] minutes): class hour; hour of academic credit
orë e çast at every moment: constantly, continually
orë dore wristwatch
orët e maleve mountain spirits, oreads
<>a hëngri orën [Fig] "eat away <>'s destined hour of death" to shorten <>'s life, cause <>'s death, kill <>
orë e kohë at every moment: constantly, continually
ora me një 1 quickly and thoroughly 2 without any doubt, of course, absolutely
me orë të tëra for hours at a time, for hours on end
ësh· me orë të këqija/liga "be with the bad fairies" to be in a bad mood
ora me dorë 1 quickly and thoroughly 2 without any doubt, of course, absolutely

orë|ba'rdhë adj = fatba'rdhë