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shesh|t|o'·n = shesho'·n

shesh|u'a|r adj (i) leveled; made even; stretched out; razed

shet· vt 1 to sell 2 [Pej] to sell out [ ]: betray 3 [Fig Pej] to try to pass [ ] off (as something other than what it is)
she dėngla to brag about one's exploits
she dije to brag pretentiously (about what one knows), pretend to know
she dokrra to brag about one's exploits
she e nuk ble·n "sell and not buy" to speak pretentiously and not listen to others
she kastraveca bostanxhiut to try to teach an expert his own business
e she lart to be snooty, be a snob
e she lėkurėn shtrenjt to sell one's life (skin) dearly
she me dėm to be poor at business, constantly sell at a loss
[ ] she me dėm to sell [ ] at a loss
she mend to make a pretense of knowledge