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nf 1 arrow 2 something with a long, thin, and pointed shape 3 pointer on a dial: needle 4 [Fig] spoken barb 5 (Zool) = shigje'tull 6 shuttle (of a loom) 7 [Old] prize part of the kill taken by the hunter who has made the first hit
II§ adv 1 quick as an arrow 2 (Invert) wireworm used as a bait
shigjetė bregdetare [Geog] bayhead bar, sandspit
shigjeta e gjatė [Zool] whip snake Coluber jugularis
shigjeta e hollė [Zool] Dahl's whip snake Coluber najadum
shigjeta e shkurtėr [Zool] Balkan racer Coluber gemonensis

shigjet|i'm nm ger < shigjetio'·n, shigjeto'·het

shigjet|o'·het vp recip to exchange barbed looks