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shiri'ngė nf (Med) syringe

II§ nm 1 ribbon; strip; stripe; tape 2 (Mil) officer's stripe (worn on the uniform) 3 (Invert) tapeworm
III§ adj formed like a long narrow strip; ribbon-like
shirit bigėzor [Bot] kind of brown alga Dictyota dichotoma
shirit filmi strip of photographic film
shirit i kuq red sash (worn around the arm to indicate that one is on official business)
shirit i librit silk ribbon attached to a book to serve as a bookmark
shirit makine typewriter ribbon
shirit i mbėrritjes [Sport] ribbon marking the finish line of a race: finish ribbon
shirit mitralozi [Mil] ammunition belt for a machine gun
shirit shėrbimi [Mil] red sash (worn around the arm to indicate that one is on military duty)
shirit i telegramit ticker tape
shirit i zi black ribbon (worn to indicate mourning)

shi'|r|je nf ger 1 < shi'·n, shi'·het 2 crops involved in threshing