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adj (i) 1 abandoned, forsaken 2 alone and miserable, wretched, forlorn 3 dead, late 4 (as a disparaging epithet) damned, damn 5 (as a pitying epithet or ironically as a derisive epithet) poor
II§ nm (expressing compassion) poor fellow/guy
III§ nf (e) 1 (expressing compassion) poor thing! 2 [Colloq] the damn thing!
IV§ adv 1 abandoned, forsaken; in a bad way, helpless 2 fallow 3 [Reg] wastefully, in vain, idly
të shkretën the damn thing!

shkret|ër|o'·n vt [Reg Tosk] = shkreto'·n

shkret|ëti'rë nf desert; wasteland, wilderness