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shkul· vt 1 to yank [ ] up/out/away/off; yank on [ ], yank 2 to force [ ] out/away, drive [ ] out; root [ ] out, uproot 3 (of something funny/oppressive) to render helpless, knock [ ] out
ia shkul· [Colloq] to sing/play (music) beautifully: sing/play up a storm
e shkul· barkun to waste one's breath trying to be heard
<> shkul· dhėmballėt/dhėmbėt "yank/twist <>'s molars/teeth" to punish <> severely
[ ] shkul· me rrėnjė e me degė "pull [ ] up by root and by branch" to expel [ ] together with [ ]'s entire family
Shkul njė gur nga njė mur. "Yank a rock from a wall" (said of someone who is very stingy) Try to borrow a dime from him and he acts as if you are trying to ruin him by pulling a rock out of his wall.
[ ] shkul· nga rrėnjėt//me rrėnjė "pull out by the root(s)" to eradicate [ ]
<> shkul· veshin/veshėt to chastise/scold <>
<> shkul· zorrėt to turn <>'s stomach; make <> puke

II§ adj 1 orphaned 2 displaced and feeling alone
III§ n orphan; displaced person

shku'le-shku'le adv in waves/torrents