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sh|polariz|o'·n vt (Phys) to depolarize

II§ vt 1 to penetrate [ ] with a sharp point: puncture, pierce; bore, drill; prick, sting; stab 2 [Fig Colloq] to spur/goad/prod [ ]; provoke; instigate 3 [Fig Colloq] to prod [ ] to remember 4 [Fig] to tell on [ ]: tattle 5 [Fig Colloq] to investigate [ ] in detail
III§ vi 1 to have a sharp point 2 to be the source of sharp pain to <>: hurt <> terribly, give <> a sharp pain 3 [Fig] to tattle
t'i shposh/shpoje buzėt "you may pierce your lips" you can/could stand there and talk all day and night (it won't/wouldn't change somebody's mind)
<> shpo·n3sg hundėn "it penetrates <>'s nose" (the smell is so strong/bad/piercing that) it hurts <>'s nose
[ ] shpo·n me bodec to spur [ ] to action
shpo·n3pl qiejt "the skies are cut open//pierced" there is a cloudburst, it begins to rain in buckets, it is raining cats and dogs
<> shpo·n3sg veshėt/veshin "pierce <>'s ears/ear" (the sound is so loud/piercing that) it hurts <>'s ears
<> shpo·n3sg zemrėn "pierce <>'s heart" to touch <> deeply; wound <> to the heart

shp|o'njė nf provocation, irritant