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shtat|de'rdh|ur adj (of a boy or girl) with a nicely formed body

shtat|dre'jtė adj having a straight body

III§ num seven; number seven
IV§ adj (i), n (i) seventh
nf the number seven; the grade seven (where ten is the highest possible grade)
VI§ nf (e) 1 (fraction) a seventh 2 seventh grade (in elementary school); seventh grade class/classroom
VII§ np (tė) a group of seven, seven at one time; all seven
me shtatė zemra "with seven hearts" incredibly courageous, absolutely fearless, dauntless
[ ] pafsha shtatė pashė nėn dhé! [Curse] "May I see [ ] seven fathoms below ground!" I hope to see [ ] dead and buried!
shtatė pashė nėn dhé "seven fathoms below ground" very deep
tė vrasėsh/vrisje shtatė (e) nuk _ "you may/might kill seven and still not _" try as you like, you can't _