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sh|thur· vt 1 to undo [something woven/braided]: unravel, unbraid 2 [Fig] to ease up on [ ], slacken 3 [Fig] to free [ ] from moral constraint: corrupt, unleash
e shthur· gojėn 1 [Pej] to use dirty language 2 to talk back
<>i shthur· mendimet to disorder <>'s thoughts, disrupt train of thought

sh|thu'et vpr 1 to become unwoven: unravel 2 [Fig] to become loose and disorganized: fall apart, unravel; ease up, become slack; become undisciplined/dissolute
<> shthur·et3pl mendimet <> loses <>'s train of thought

sh|thu'r|ės adj leading to degeneration/breakdown