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shu'mė| formativ mult-, poly-, many-

shu'mė [1]
II§ quant (followed by a noun) much, many, a lot of
III§ pcl (followed by an adjective/adverb) very, quite
IV§ adv 1 very much, a lot; to a great degree/extent 2 too much 3 for a long time
adj (i) = shu'mtė
ėsh·pl shumė shokė/miq to be close friends
shumė babo e mbytin fėmijėn too many cooks spoil the broth
shumė hollė in straightened circumstances
shumė kush many a one
shumė mė _ much more _, much _er
shumė i nderuar right honorable
Shumė pula e pak vezė. "Many chickens and few eggs." It's a lot of big talk but not much action. Talk is cheap.
Shumė pupla e pak mish. [Prov] "Many feathers and little meat." Much smoke and little fire. Plenty of talk but little action.
shumė e shumė in abundance
shumė shumė 1 at most 2 on the whole

shu'mė [2] nf 1 sum 2 amount, quantity; sum/amount of money
shumė e pėrgjithshme grand total