* ve'ze nf (Invert) dragonfly (Odonata) = pilive'se
ve'zė nf 1 egg 2 (Biol) ovum • vezė kllukė weak and sickly person • vezė e llurbėt soft-boiled egg • vezė me dy tė verdha/kuq "like an egg with two yolks" rarity, rare occurrence • Vezėt nė shportė e shportėn nė dorė! [Prov] "Eggs in the basket and the basket in hand!" One must be doubly careful with fragile things. • vezė e prishur "spoiled egg" worthless person • U bė veza tė mėsojė pulėn! [Iron] "The egg develops far enough to teach the hen!" Look who's trying to tell who! • vezė e qėruar "shelled egg" something that is all prepared so as to be easy for the next step • vezė syze egg fried without breaking the yolk: egg sunny-side up
vezė|gjallė|pje'll|ės adj (Biol) ovoviviparous