vėshtr|i'm nm ger 1 < vėshtro'·n, vėshtro'·het 2 look, glance 3 expression conveyed by the eyes: look 4 [Fig] point of view, view 5 meaning, sense 6 summary view: survey, summary 7 eyesight • me/nė vėshtrimin e parė at first sight, right from the start • vėshtrim i thellė meaningful look/glance
vėshtr|o'·het vp reflex to look at oneself
vėshtr|o'·n III§ vt 1 to look at [ ]; watch [ ] 2 to look after [ ], see to [ ] 3 to examine, consider IV§ vi to look • vėshtro·n me ngulm to watch <> constantly, not take one's eyes off <> • [ ] vėshtro·n me bishtin e syrit 1 to see [ ] out of the corner of the eye 2 to disparage [ ], undervalue [ ] • [ ] vėshtro·n me sy tė shtrembėr/keq/lig 1 to have a low regard for [ ]; look at/on [ ] with disfavor 2 to have no interest in [ ]'s welfare • [ ] vėshtro·n me sytė tė mprehtė to observe [ ] with a keen eye, watch [ ] attentively • vėshtro·n nėn ballė to have a look of anger/hatred on one's face • [ ] vėshtro·n nėn qepalla "look at [ ] under the eyelids" not look at [ ] in the eye • vėshtro·n nga qofkat "look at the blackbirds" to keep shifting one's gaze, let one's attention wander • vėshtro·n nga {} to have a view of {}, look out on {} • vėshtro·n pėr [ ] to be thinking of [ ], be considering [ ] • [ ] vėshtro·n si ujku hėnėn "look at [ ] like the wolf at the moon" to give [ ] an angry stare, look at [ ] with anger