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vre'shtė nf vineyard

vresht|o'r nm guard of a vineyard, vineyard warden

vr|e' vt 1 to kill, slay 2 to wound, injure 3 to hurt 4 [Colloq] to break/pick [ ] apart: toss [salad, spaghetti], knead [dough], break up [a clod of earth], crush [olives] 5 to modify [a color] (by adding another color)
vre barkun nė hije "hurt one's belly in the shade (from lying there so long)" to dislike working, be lazy
vre degė mė degė to act high and mighty
vre e pret [1] · (Pej) "kill and cut" 1 to talk and act mean, be a bully 2 to do whatever one likes, act without restraint
vre3sg gjetkė "(what is said) strikes elsewhere" it actually means something other than what it says, that doesn't mean what it seems to say
vre3sg gjetkė fjala e tij/saj/tyre "his/her/their word strikes elsewhere" what he/she/they say actually means something other than what it says; what he/she/they say is intended for a different target, what he/she/they say has something/someone else in mind
vre3sg gjetkė fjala ime/jote/jonė/juaj "(my/your/our/your word) strikes elsewhere" what I/you/we/you say actually means something else; what I/you/we/you say is intended for a different target, what I/you/we/you say has something/someone else in mind
nuk <>a vre3sg kėpuca kėmbėn "<>'s shoe doesn't pinch (hurt/squeeze) <>'s foot" <> is not desperately short of money
vre kohėn "kill time" to waste time; kill time
e vre kokėn pėr [ ] "hurt one's head for [ ]" to cudgel one's brains thinking about [ ]
vre larg to have a distant/long-term goal; aim at something further