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z|bėrth|e'·het vpr 1 to come apart 2 to become unfastened; unbutton one's clothing 3 to open up, tell all

z|bėrth|e'·n vt 1 to take [ ] apart, break [ ] down; split [ ] apart; disintegrate 2 to unfasten 3 to decompose 4 to analyze 5 [Fig] to get [ ] to tell what [ ] knows: break [someone] down
<> zbėrthe'·n brinjėt "break <>'s ribs" 1 to beat <> up badly, beat <> to a pulp 2 to force <> to reveal every detail
<> zbėrthe'·n gojėn/gjuhėn/dhėmbėt "unleash <>'s mouth/tongue/teeth" to get <> to tell everything, make <> talk

z|bėrth|i'm nm ger < zbėrthe'·n, zbėrthe'·het