zi'| stem for 2nd pl pres, pind, imper, vp < zė'·
zi'e·n II§ vt, vi to boil; seethe III§ vi 1 to ferment 2 to have a prickly feeling; feel numb 3 to proceed with great energy: bubble (with excitement), bustle (with activity) • <> zie·n {} "<>'s {} is boiling" <> hears a disturbing buzzing/ringing in {} mė ziejnė veshėt my ears are ringing • <> zie·n3sg gjaku <>'s blood is heating up: <> is very lively and energetic • zie·n3sg kazani there is a lot of talk going around, the town is abuzz; there is a lot of activity, things are buzzing • <> zie·n3sg koka "<>'s head is boiling" <>'s mind is in turmoil • zie·n3sg nė tė katėr rrylat to boil noisily • zie·npl nė njė kazan "boil in one cauldron" to be all the same • zie·n3sg puna "the work is boiling" work is going at breakneck speed • zie·n raki to distill raki • zie·n si kazan to be agitated and restless • <> zie·n3sg toka/trualli nėn kėmbė "the ground burns under <>'s feet" nowhere is there safety for <>, there is no respite for <> there
zi'e|r IV§ part < zi'e·n V§ adj (i) boiled